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Still a work in progress!  But, in my opinion, the most important advice is at the TOP.  Some of this may not apply to all, and only be useful in China currently, but hopefully it will help slightly for travelers.

Absolutely Crucial

**Don't book a flight without verifying that you won't have your passport taken away to renew your residency permit...**


ExpressVPN is my savior!  If you don't want to learn how to use the Chinese equivalent of Google (Baidu) or Facebook (WeChat) then this is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY.

Learning basic Chinese - Do it! It is something I seriously regret putting off as I miss 99% of all conversations.

Drivers:  Overall... pretty terrible, with A LOT of honking.  You are the most minuscule ​thing on the road and that is true with both cars and e-bikes (mopeds), so learn to move very fast.

Bathrooms (privacy):  Sort of non-existent depending on where you go.  For instance, the school I work at is directed to elementary sized children.  So, the stalls are close to shoulder height and there is a toilet that is 4X smaller than normal, one that is 2X smaller than normal and then one that is a hole in the ground.

  • This is very common, so be prepared for this and google how to sit properly, it's essential.

  • Bring your own toilet paper everywhere just in case you use a public bathroom.  Also: don't flush toilet paper! There is a bin for it on the side​.

Don't drink tap water (seems obvious enough, but I snuffed up on that)

  • Extra: Don't drink the loose parts of tea, even if it completely covers the top of the water.  Sip around it cautiously like a winner, even if it takes you an hour!​

Efficiency:  everything can happen really quickly (one phone call and someone can come fix it within the hour) 

  • Warning: this is not always true for things that involve paperwork or typing, especially ​when you are a foreigner and have weird aspects about you, like a middle name. (eg. banking took approximately 2 hours because of my middle name.  No, I didn't choose it... and no, I can't get rid of it right now!)


  • Beating the Wifi system: being in China pretty much means going to different stores, restaurants and cafes to try everything, but also to get the wifi passwords so that you never lose internet no matter where you are walking!

  • Fast walking skills:  make sure to perfect your fast walking skills because you don't know when that nice passing compliment of "you're beautiful" turns into a marathon of stalking proportions!



The Funny Section

Apps and websites

  • KFC: it is here and it is fricken delicious... but still probably not great for me 

    • Speaking of chickens: their feet are apparently yummy, but I have yet to try.  Will definitely let you know if this changes though.  

  • Flying: If you stare at your broken TV for a couple hours, holding a dead laptop and iPod with broken headphones, the flight attendant may take extreme pity on you and move you to comfort PLUS! (Not guaranteed though, I just silently cried a lot)

    • My must have: Gravol is ​a lifesaver... and usually compatible with a small glass of wine for those who really dislike long haul flights (in my case it was 3 small glasses, and if you judge.. please re-read the crying for two hours part)

  • Honesty: Even if I am slightly saddened by it, doesn't mean its actually offensive...

    • one: being praised for my extreme paleness... as I am talking proudly about the tan lines I have from spending so much time outside in the summer.​

    • two: that you look more beautiful than the day you did before (thank you and all, but it hasn't even been 24 hours yet, so I am allowed to look like garbage)






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