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The Unloved Long Time Layovers

I feel that at some point everyone has looked at flights and tried to decide if that super cheap ticket is really worth it. You know, the one that saves you anywhere from $50-200 maybe, but extends your travel time anywhere from 2 extra hours to 12 extra hours. So now you are in "transit" from one place to another for upwards of at least a day (if you are lucky) and trying to figure out how to sleep on awkward green airport seats. Including a short flight on a sketchy small plane that should have a warning for when you are NOT going through turbulence... This also leads to the inevitable search for food at 2 am, when everything is closed but KFC, and brushing your teeth surrounded by people peeing in a hole (maybe only China related). Lastly, you learn that everyone... and I mean EVERYONE snores!!!

This negativity is most likely my saltiness for being awake and writing this at 4 am, unable to sleep hopefully due to excitement, but most likely due to stress. So far I haven't even left China yet and I can't use the jet-lag excuse because it is all one damn timezone. Without further ado, my airport necessities:

1. Empty water bottle

2. Charging bar for all random electronics

3. Snacks (almonds are my favorite!)

4. Layers (because almost anything can be made into a pillow)

5. A million things to do (because you will change your mind every 5 minutes - Eg. books, movies, cards, laptop things, super Mario on your phone, etc.)

6. Wet wipes/sanitize stuff (because... Airports)

7. IMPORTANT: something to help you sleep, because then you will end up like me, looking like I haven't blinked in a day and so early for a flight that security laughed at me.

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